Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day-An Investment

Dear Mom,

Mother's Day has passed and I enjoyed our phone call. We may be states apart, but I'm thankful we can stay close in spirit. I want you to know that since I'm a Mommy now -five years and running- I've learned that time is one of our most precious treasures and tools. Time can be used to show those around us what is truly our heart's desire. I invested my time on this Mother's Day to start the day with words of love to the sweet girls I have been given to raise. My investment continued as I used my time to take my children to learn about God. Teaching them that what makes me happiest on the day set aside for Moms is to see them obey God and His word. When my daughters become Mommies they can look back at Mother's Days past and see my hope for them. A life of investment in the souls and hearts of those we love. After attending a morning church service and being encouraged to be a Mother who puts God first, we had some great family time-a picnic outside and simple fun together. Some rest helped our little family to keep God the focus of our day so we could enjoy an evening encouraging other Christians and being encouraged too. Wait, shouldn't Mom be the focus on Mother's Day? Consider that, if He is the center of the day, we all grow closer and endure in this world's often daunting days. My investment-Make God and Mama proud on Mother's Day.


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